When it comes to bdsm and fetish roleplay – it’s important to remember that everyone will play differently so here are some Examples Of Kink. This is why communication is so vital to the practices of kink, and towards kink relationships. Especially if you have different play partners, are involved in the kink community or frequent kink parties or munches. We’ll run through some of the examples of bondage and fetish play, which will not only provide some ideas. But also to the different spectrums of these types of play and why it’s sometimes so difficult to simply say that you’re kinky / kink friendly.
Examples Of Kink Play
One of the most common forms of BDSM play is restraint or bondage.
- Bondage simply refers to the physical restraint of an individual during play.
- Restraint play is primarily about control, the taking of control, and the conceding of control. By limiting the physical movement of an individual, you are essentially in a position of power. Restraint play is commonly practiced throughout the world of kink. For people looking to spice up their relationship as bondage is easily accessible, and is profoundly prevalent within popular culture.

Firstly, the restraints.
Restraints can be anything that limits or restricts the body from movement. In a physical power play, a dominant and strong male might hold the hands of his partner together and prevent his partner from the use of their hands. This is a form of restraint play. It might involve the use of a dressing gown belt to tie their hands together. Or it might involve the use of leather or metal cuffs. Or it might include the use of bondage furniture such as a Saint Andrews Cross or a sling. As you can quickly determine there is a substantial difference between using a silk scarf to tie someone’s hands up and to sticking them in a st Andrews Cross.
This is why it’s important to communicate.
It’s one thing to say – I have experience with, or I like the idea of bondage. But it’s another thing to identify the specific aspects and the level of experience. Communication can quickly determine that your sexual partner or playmate has experience in handcuffs that are metal. But would like to experience restraint play via suspension with the use of rope. By communicating here, you can evaluate each other’s expectations, knowledge skills. And work together to form a compromise so that you can both achieve what you’d like to get out of this form of play.
Oragsm Denial
Orgasm denial or chastity play – is another common favourite among kink players especially among submissive men. This is a rather interesting kink practice as it doesn’t necessarily involve an overt and physical power exchange. But simply sees the control of orgasms, sex and sexuality, being placed within the hands of the male partners key holder. Chastity play and orgasm denial are common fantasies especially within men.
There are many reasons for this but one of the most common is that the idea of sex, manhood and sexuality is rooted within the idea of the phallus – by taking away their control of the phallus you are, in essence, taking away what makes them a man. This is a powerful and erotic turn on for some.
There are a myriad of different kinks, fetishes and types of activities within the fetish scene. This is only a couple of them. But they serve to open up the mind of all the possibilities that the kink world can provide.